
Rite Aid To Permanently Close One Of Two Jamestown Stores

Rite Aid is pictured at 811 N. Main St. in Jamestown. The store will close permanently on Jan. 19. P-J photo by Eric Tichy

Rite Aid on Thursday confirmed one of its two locations in the city of Jamestown will close permanently this month.

A spokeswoman for the drugstore chain said the store at 811 N. Main St. will close Jan. 19. Starting at that time, she said, customers will be directed to pick up their prescriptions at the city’s other Rite Aid location at 50 S. Main St.

“Like all retail businesses, we regularly review each of our locations to ensure we are meeting the needs of our customers, communities and overall business,” the company said in a statement. “A decision to close a store is one we take very seriously and is based on a variety of factors including business strategy, lease and rent considerations, local business conditions and viability, and store performance.

“We review every neighborhood to ensure our customers will have access to health services, be it at Rite Aid or a nearby pharmacy, and we work to seamlessly transfer their prescriptions so there is no disruption of services. We also strive to transfer associates to other Rite Aid locations where possible.”

The spokeswoman also confirmed Thursday that Rite Aid has “no plans” at this time to close any other store in Chautauqua County.


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