
Pa. Man Sentenced To Decade In Prison On Meth Charge

The discovery of methamphetamine — along with ecstasy pills, a gun and cash — during a traffic stop in 2019 has netted a Pennsylvania man a 10-year prison sentence.

Jerry J. Roneker Jr., 43, of Corry, was sentenced before U.S. District Judge Lawrence J. Vilardo on a conviction of possessing with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of methamphetamine.

During a traffic stop March 9, 2019, Chautauqua County sheriff’s deputies discovered a smoking pipe in the front seat of a vehicle being driven by Roneker. The stop occurred in the town of Chautauqua due to a traffic violation.

Two “large chunks of suspected methamphetamine” were found during a search of the vehicle, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

“During a pat down of the defendant, deputies located a loaded 9mm handgun,” the office said Friday in a news release. “A search of the vehicle led to the seizure of $10,210 in U.S. currency, suspected ecstasy pills, packaging materials, a digital scale, drug paraphernalia, Xanax pills, MDMA pills, Suboxone strips, and two hypodermic needles.”


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