
City Man Pleads Guilty To Drug, Firearm Possession Charges

A Jamestown man pleaded guilty Wednesday to drug and firearm possession charges.

Jacob Graham, 19, entered the plea before U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara. The city man was charged with possessing with intent to distribute 5 grams or more of actual methamphetamine and possessing a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking.

The charges carry a mandatory minimum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $5 million fine.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Joshua A. Violanti, who is handling the case, stated that on May 7, Jamestown police observed two men fighting with another person in the area of Crescent and Cheney streets. The suspects quickly got into a silver vehicle and sped away from the scene. Detectives followed the suspect vehicle in an unmarked police car, but also requested the assistance of a marked patrol unit. The marked patrol unit initiated a traffic stop at the driveway of a residence on Lincoln Street in Jamestown.

A detective approached the passenger side of the vehicle and opened the front passenger door. Inside, the detective observed two bags of what appeared to be methamphetamine. The front seat passenger, identified as Graham, exited the vehicle and was placed under arrest. Another officer approached the driver’s side door of the vehicle and had the driver exit the vehicle. The driver was also placed under arrest. A back seat passenger was detained but later released.

During a subsequent search of the vehicle, investigators recovered a bag that contained a loaded 12-gauge shotgun. The bag also contained a digital scale with white powder residue on it and 16 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun ammunition.

A records check determined that the firearm was stolen from Hamilton, Ohio, in March 2017.

Sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 28 before Judge Arcara.


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