
(5:15 PM) PJ Wendel Appointed County Executive

PJ Wendel being sworn in as county executive during the organizational meeting of the Chautauqua County Legislature Thursday. Last month, Wendel was recommended to be the next county executive by the Chautauqua County County Republican Party Committee, which was approved by the county Legislature. P-J photo by Dennis Phillips

MAYVILLE — Chautauqua County has a new county executive and new chairman of the legislature.

On Thursday, the Chautauqua County Legislature held its annual organizational meeting, and former legislative chairman PJ Wendel was sworn in as the new county executive.

Following the election victory in November by former County Executive George Borrello to fill the vacancy in the 57th State Senate District, Wendel was recommended last month to be the next county executive by the Chautauqua County Republican Party Committee. The legislature approved the recommendation, which led to Wendel being sworn in by the Hon. Stephen Cass, Chautauqua County Surrogate Court judge.

In other business, the legislature also elected a new chairman during the meeting. The legislature elected Pierre Chagnon, R-Bemus Point, to be the next leader of the group. Chagnon has been a legislator since 2014 and was the chairman of the Audit and Control Committee.

Wendel had been the legislature’s chairman for the past two years.

See Friday’s edition of The Post-Journal for complete coverage.

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