
More Than 17 Inches Of Snow Dumped On Jamestown

P-J photo by William Mohan

The Jamestown area received 17.6 inches of snow, the National Weather Service in Buffalo said.

Heavy accumulation was seen throughout Chautauqua County, though it’s the city that likely topped surrounding areas according to official measurements taken at the Chautauqua County Jamestown Airport. In Cattaraugus County, meanwhile, the town of Cattaraugus received 20 inches of snow, while Little Valley received 14 inches.

Chautauqua County Executive George Borrello advised no unnecessary travel throughout the county due to weather conditions.

“Individuals who are traveling are advised to slow down and use extreme caution,” Borrello said in a statement.

All non-essential county employees were not required to report to work.

P-J photo by William Mohan

In Jamestown, the city court was closed due to weather.

The Chautauqua County Mental Health Association said it was closed for the day due to the weather.

Most schools were closed today due to the weather.

A winter storm warning remains in effect until 6 p.m. this evening. The region could see an additional 4 to 8 inches of snow with wind gusts up to 40 mph.


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