
(9:08 AM) Charges Filed Against Man Charged After Standoff Sunday

Nicholas C. Brown

A Jamestown man has been charged with second-degree menacing, second-degree unlawful imprisonment, endangering the welfare of a child and obstructing governmental administration following a standoff that began at 3:04 a.m. Sunday.

No one was injured in the incident, which Jamestown police said began around 3 a.m. after receiving reports of a man chasing a woman with a box-cutter knife at 22 Spring St. Ext. The woman was secured by officers, while the man — identified as 28-year-old Nicholas C. Brown — barricaded himself inside the residence with a 9-year-old child.

Members of the Jamestown SWAT Team responded to Spring Street Extension and established a perimeter around the property. During the extended standoff, crisis negotiators attempted to coax Brown into coming outside.

According to Capt. Robert Samuelson of the Jamestown Police Department, officers were forced to take positions outside the residence because a child was involved in the incident. It wasn’t until all options were exhausted around 2:15 p.m. Sunday that Samuelson said SWAT officers entered the home to end the standoff.

“We knew there was a child in the home so we can’t just go busting in the door,” Samuelson said. “We had to get the negotiators there. … It got to the point where we had to come to a safe resolution. We took our time and as a result it came to a very, very successful resolution.”

Brown was taken into custody at the scene and transported to UPMC Chautauqua hospital for an evaluation. He was later taken to the Jamestown City Jail and held for arraignment.

During a search of the residence afterward, police found a box cutter.

The child, who was uninjured in the incident, was reunited with family members. Brown was reportedly the boyfriend of the child’s mother, who was taken into custody on unrelated charges.

“I’m very impressed and proud of the work of the police department and SWAT team,” Samuelson told The Post-Journal. “It was a success, and as a result, there were no injuries.”


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