
Jamestown Young Professionals To Hold ‘Pop-Up Pickleball’ Networking Event

Planning Committee members of the Jamestown Young Professionals are pictured here during a recent meeting at Labyrinth Press Company in the City of Jamestown. The JYP Planning Committee has put together a Pop-Up Pickleball event to be held at 5pm on Thursday, Aug. 22 at LaGrega Field in Lakewood.

Join the Jamestown Young Professionals for a “Pop-Up Pickleball” event from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 22 at Michael LaGrega Memorial Field in Lakewood.

JYP welcomes players of all skill levels for this fun and active networking opportunity. Bring along a friend, significant other or family member for this casual get-together. This event is free and open to the public.

For those who have never attended a JYP event before, this evening pickleball mixer will be the perfect opportunity to meet JYP members and learn more about the organization.

There will be a total of six courts available for pickleball players. JYP members will provide instructions and short demonstrations for those new to the game.

“More than just a chance to enjoy some friendly competition, our pop-up pickleball event will be a great opportunity to connect with peers who share a commitment to personal and professional growth,” said Katie Castro, Director of Advancement for the United Ways of Chautauqua County. “The Jamestown Young Professionals group believes that strong networks and meaningful relationships are the foundation of a thriving career and community. This event is the perfect way to build those connections while having a great time. Whether you’re new to the area or looking to expand your professional circle, this is an event you won’t want to miss!”

Registration for this event is not necessary. In the event of a large turnout, JYP will facilitate some lower-point games to help spur quick turnover. There will also be a “JYP Rehydration Station” where folks attending can congregate, learn about pickleball and try out the paddles. Many thanks to JYP Planning Committee member

JYP will have a limited supply of extra paddles and balls! But if you have your own, we encourage players to bring those as well. Don’t let not having equipment deter you from attending this fun pickleball party.

Come out and celebrate the end of summer while networking with other like-minded individuals.

Pickleball will be played on a first-come, first play basis.


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