Harmony Senior Citizens Meet At Panama Methodist Church
PANAMA – The Harmony Senior Citizens met in June at the Panama Methodist Church with 39 members and one guest present.
President Roberta Karlson welcomed everyone. Chaplain Marty LaFredo read “My Refuge and My Strength”, offered the dinner prayer and led the salute to the flag. A tureen dinner was served by hosts Fred and Laurie Russell, Bob and Cora Delahoy and Mary Keeney. Laurie Russell recognized the following members celebrating birthdays during the months of June and July: Dottie Enlow, Toni Campbell and Betty Hall. Members not present who will celebrate birthdays in June and July include Peachie James, Judy Prechtl and Bonnie Abers.
The door prize was won by Janice Hinterberger. Several members of the Harmony Senior Citizens received tickets from the Office for the Aging to the Senior Night at a recent Jamestown Tarp Skunks game, prior to which Russ Diethrick was honored.
Wendie Raynor read the minutes of the May meeting, which was approved as read. Mary Lou Garfield gave the treasurer’s report. Cindy McIntyre, cheer person said she had sent a thinking of you card to Donny and Gail Keller. Members asked her to send a get well card to Bonnie Abers.
Dottie Enlow said 27 members attended the buffet at Sakura Buffet in the Chautauqua Mall and then went to the Lucille Ball Little Theater performance of Spelling Bee. Debbie Barr, a Harmony Senior Citizens’ member, was selected to play a part in the Spelling Bee.
Enlow asked for someone to take over the duties for trip chairperson for the next year, as she is unable to continue at this time due to her health issues. She will be happy to help out a new trip chairperson.
Ellen Coffaro reported on the Senior Council recent trivia contest held at North Harmony Seniors. There were 10 teams participating.
Mary Keeney, Sally Hagg and Ellen Coffaro volunteered to head the Nomination committee for officers for the year 2024-25. A slate of officers will be reported at the August meeting with voting to be held at the August meeting. Installation of officers will be held at the September meeting. Mary Keeney and Sally Hagg offered to audit the books. Betty Johnson has volunteered to coordinate monthly Hosts and Table committee sign-ups for the year 2024-2025.
Following the August meeting, there will be a meeting of the Executive Committee.