JHS Class Of 1969 To Hold 55th Reunion

Sandy Calalesina, Reunion Chair, and Fred Larson, Class President, planning JHS Class of 1969 55th Reunion.
The Jamestown High School Class of 1969 announces its 55th Reunion will be Saturday, Aug. 17.
The reunion will be at the Northwest Arena from 6 to 10 p.m.
The Class of 1969 has never missed a five-year reunion, having had reunions at the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50th year marks.
At the 45th Reunion the class began a JHS Class of 1969 Scholarship through the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation. Beginning with the 50th reunion the Class of 1969 Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 has been awarded annually to a senior with at least a B average who exemplifies the Class Motto: “The Greater the Obstacle, The More Glory In Overcoming It.”
Class members anticipate additional contributions to the Scholarship Fund as part of the 55th Reunion will allow the class to possibly award more scholarship money in the years to come.
Contributions by Class members that go directly from the administrator of their 401 (k) or traditional IRA to the “Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund”, c/o Chautauqua Region Community Foundation, 418 Spring St. Jamestown, NY, will be income-tax free for the donor and will also satisfy retirement account Required Mandatory Distributions.
The cost to attend the 55th Reunion is $50 per person attending. Register by sending a check by July 26 payable to the JHS Class of 1969 to Sandy Larson Calalesina, 109 Sunset Ave. Lakewood, NY 14750.