
Frewsburg Lions Club Announces New Officers For 2024-25

From left are Don Dove, Greg Davis and Martha Dove, Frewsburg Lions Club president.

FREWSBURG – The Frewsburg Lions Club has inducted its new slate of officers for 2024-25.

Bob Sandberg conducted the ceremony for the installation. Toni Stone, president, Don Dove, first vice president, service chairman and membership chairman; Colleen Holsinger, second vice president; Gary Wells, secretary, Dennis Williams, treasurer, Nancy Nelson, marketing chairman and tail twister; Dave Miller, lion tamer; and directors Bob Johnson, Wendy Berg, Jerry Eklund and Randy Wiltsie.

President Martha Dove was awarded the Key Award for recruiting the most new members to the club.

Gregg Davis was inducted as a new member by Martha Dove with Don Dove as his sponsor.

The members enjoyed a steak fry with Randy Wiltsie grilling.

The board of directors have decided that the fall fundraiser will be a chicken and biscuit drive-through dinner on September 21 catered by 3C’s.

For more information about the Frewsburg Lions Club, call 716-969-6488.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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