
Neighborhood Block Sale Offers Free Books

All kinds of books will be given away this Friday and Saturday morning at the Unitarian Church, 1255 Prendergast Avenue, as part of the Jamestown Renaissance Corporation’s Northside Neighborhood Block Sale.

Books for all ages will be given away free Friday and Saturday , during the Northside Neighborhood Block Sale.

From 9 a.m. to noon, members of the Unitarian Church will have a table in front of their building at 1255 Prendergast Ave., near Buffalo Street, where visitors can stop by and take a book of their choosing. Children’s books, cookbooks, novels and more will be among the choices.

In the event of rain, the books will be moved just inside the sanctuary doors.

The congregation is participating in the Block Sale sponsored by the Jamestown Renaissance Corporation as part of the neighborhood activities requirement for the Renaissance Block Challenge (RBC) grant. Hours for the entire sale are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Inspired by research showing that growing up with more books in their home increases a child’s lifetime success, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Jamestown Social Justice Committee makes books available to children in the Jamestown community by giving them away for free.

The church has “adopted” Fletcher Elementary School’s kindergarten classes, providing each student with books three times during the school year. On Halloween, children are welcomed into the building by costumed parishioners for a Halloween Read and Treat where they can choose a book, receive a treat, and do some simple crafts.

The two book boxes in front of the church are filled with books; one is for adults and one for children. Anyone is welcome to take books of their choice any time.

Information about the UUCJ is at UUJamestown.org and on their Facebook page, facebook.com/jamestownuu.


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