
Falconer School Continues After Prom Tradition

FALCONER – Falconer Central School recently held its 32nd annual After Prom event.

The theme this year was “Hollywood Nights” with 150 students in attendance, which not only included Falconer students, but student guests from neighboring districts. This was also a new experience for Falconer’s three foreign exchange students from Germany and Spain.

After Prom included mechanical bull riding, a 360-degree photo booth, a 75-foot inflatable obstacle course, jousting, breakout rooms, airbrush tattoos, caricature drawings, casino games, food, music and other activities. Hundreds of prizes that were donated and purchased with donations from the community were available for students to buy with “funny money” they earned throughout the night. They could also bid on large ticket items such as TVs and laptops during the silent and live auctions. Every student left with at least one prize.

“We would like to thank the Falconer and surrounding communities for the generous donations we receive every year. Our After Prom Party and Senior Vigil (held after graduation night) are only possible through community donations and fundraising. We have received very generous monetary donations, gift baskets, gift cards, and discounts from our amazing community and local businesses. Our purpose is to keep our juniors, seniors, and their dates safe on Prom Night and allow them to have fun, make memories, and win some great prizes,” said Beth Armstrong, Falconer High School activities advisor and After Prom/Senior Vigil official.


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