
BPU Garbage/Recycling Collection Schedule Changes For Holiday

The Jamestown Board of Public Utilities Customer Service Office is closed on Monday in recognition of Memorial Day.

Garbage and recycling will not be collected on Monday.

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, the regular Monday solid waste collection will be postponed to Tuesday. Subsequently, the Tuesday collection will be moved to Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday, Thursday to Friday, and Friday to Saturday, June 1.

The Yard Waste Site, 1001 Monroe Street, will be open for its regular 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. hours today. However, the site will be closed on Saturday, June 1, to allow garbage and recycling employees to collect on that day.

Scheduled yard waste bag collection will be collected as usual on Tuesday, May 28.

Customers who need to pay bills after-hours are reminded that online payments may be made by credit card, debit card and e-check at www.jamestownbpu.com. Telephone payments may be made by calling 661-1660, ext. 3, with credit card or debit card.

Customers may also leave checks or money orders in drop-off boxes located in the BPU Parking Lot across from the Customer Service Office, 92 Steele Street, outside City Hall on Tracy Plaza and in the Jamestown Police Department vestibule. Payments left after hours should only be made by check or money order with identification on the payment.

For reports of trouble in all BPU Divisions, all hours, customers may call 716-661-1640. During regular business hours, such calls may be made to Customer Service at 716-661-1660.

BPU Customer Service reopens at 9 a.m. Tuesday, May 28.


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