
Get Trained To Be An Audubon Trail Guide, April 30–May 1

Trail guide volunteers are essential to the educational programming at Audubon Community Nature Center. You can experience the rewards of sharing nature with children by leading Discovery Walks at Audubon this spring. Come for training on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 30 and May 1, and the education staff will teach you all you need to know for this important work.

The Audubon Community Nature Center will hold trail guide training from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, April 30 and May 1.

Trail Guides lead school groups along Audubon’s trails during their school field trips. Ages of the students range from 3 to 18, and group size is typically 6 to 12 students.

Training will teach guides the basic outline of how to effectively walk the children through the discovery process as they move along the trails. After the workshop, observing walks and applying some of the information learned is required to complete the training. Experience with children is helpful, but no prior knowledge is necessary to lead groups.

Established trail guides are welcome to come for a refresher course. Training takes place both indoors and out, so plan to come dressed for the weather. Those interested can bring a lunch to stay for the optional afternoon nature walk.

Reservations for the training are appreciated and can be made by calling 716-569-2345 during business hours or clicking through “Programs and Events” at AudubonCNC.org. Walk-ins are welcome. Those interested in becoming a trail guide and want to learn more before registering, call Audubon Nature Educator Chelsea Jandreau at 716-569-2345 or email her at CJandreau@AudubonCNC.org.


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