
Audubon To Host Earth Day Volunteer Event April 20

With tasks for all ages and abilities, volunteering at Audubon Community Nature Center on Saturday, April 20, is a great way to celebrate Volunteer Month and the upcoming Earth Day.

April is National Volunteer month, dedicated to honoring all of the volunteers in our communities as well as encouraging volunteerism throughout the month.

Area residents are invited to celebrate National Volunteer Month and Earth Day 2024 by joining Audubon Community Nature Center staff and volunteers Saturday morning, April 20, as they work on projects to maintain and improve the Nature Center building and grounds.

“Put simply,” said Audubon volunteer coordinator Emily Nelson, “Audubon could not exist without our volunteers. Last year 267 volunteers donated 8,238 hours to the Nature Center buildings, grounds, education, animals, and more. Of those volunteers, 110 were new or came back after years away. Auditors value ACNC’s volunteer force at approximately $260,000 yearly.”

To volunteer on April 20, register between 9 and 9:15 a.m, then select a group to tackle different projects such as sprucing up the gardens, cleaning, grounds work, and more. This is a family-friendly event with something for all ages and abilities.

Work parties tackle their jobs between 9:30 a.m. and noon. After all the hard work, volunteers can stay for lunch. Participants are encouraged to wear clothes that can get dirty, dress for the weather – the event happens rain or shine – and bring work gloves if you have them.

Walk-ins are welcome, but registration ahead of time is appreciated by calling 716-569-2345 during business hours or going to AudubonCNC.org and clicking through Programs and Events. Even though the program is free, volunteers will need to click through check-out to complete their registration.

If there are other volunteer projects anyone is interested in, including caring for Audubon’s animals, working with the education staff, helping with clerical work, gardening or working at festivals and events, contact Nelson at 716-569-2345 or ENelson@AudubonCNC.org.

Audubon Community Nature Center is located at 1600 Riverside Road, one-quarter mile east of Route 62 between Jamestown and Warren. Visit the nearly 600-acre nature preserve, check in on the live birds of prey, and hike the more than five miles of trails dawn until dusk daily for free.

The three-story Nature Center building houses interactive displays, a collection of live animals including the Hellbender exhibit, and the Blue Heron Gift Shop. Visitors are welcome Mondays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Sundays, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Nature Center members and SNAP/EBT cardholders have free building admission daily. Building admission is also free every Sunday for non-Nature Center members.

To learn more about Audubon and its programs, call 716-569-2345, find Audubon Community Nature Center on Facebook, or visit AudubonCNC.org.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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