
SWMS Names January Students Of Month

Southwestern Middle School students of the month.

Southwestern Middle School officials recently named the school’s January Students of the Month. They are:

Ada Chen, sixth grade and the daughter of Jing and Yao Chen. Her favorite subjects in school are science, math, social studies, and English. Ada plays on the Southwestern basketball team and belongs to the Crochet Club. Outside of school, she plays drums for Infinity. In her free time, Ada likes to draw and play sports.

Connor DeVlieger, seventh grade and the son of Heather and Chad DeVlieger. Connor’s favorite subjects in school are math and gym. He belongs to the Middle School Onitama League and plays violin in the Middle School Orchestra. When Connor is not at school, he enjoys playing games outside, spending time with his family, and playing his electric guitar!

Leah Clark, eighth grade and the daughter of Laura and Scott Clark. Her favorite subjects in school are ELA and social studies. Leah belongs to the Junior Honor Society. Outside of school, she participates in programs at the Infinity Visual and Performing Arts Center. In her free time, Leah enjoys drawing and listening to music.


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