
Harmony Senior Citizens Enjoy Thanksgiving Meal

PANAMA — Harmony Senior Citizens met Nov. 2 at Panama United Methodist Church with 42 members present to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner prepared by Julia Nelson.

Members brought toothpaste and toothbrushes to donate to the United Senior Council, which will be given to the Office for the Aging to help fill Christmas boxes

Wes Tessey, founder and CEO of Veterans4Christ, gave a presentation of the work of his organization. They are a Christian nonprofit created for veterans and active-duty members of the United Staes Armed Forces. The mission is to provide an environment where veterans, regardless of race, color, age, religion or gender can build shared camaraderie through outdoor recreation, community events and meetings.

The meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays at 10 a.m. at 9 W. Main St., Brocton.

Cindy McIntryre stated that cards had been sent to the following members: Steve Raynor, Elinor Sturges Wila Mae Rupzyk, Marion Coffaro, Carol Hetrick and Melvin and Ellen Lord.

June Whipple, activity coordinator, stated the activities for the month of December include a Christmas Bingo game, a singing Santa and a reminder members are to bring a wrapped ornament limit of $5 for an exchange gift.

January will be a soup and sandwich meal, with members providing a variety of soups and sandwiches. Soups by Toni Campbell, Laurie Russell and Gail Keller. Elaine Jensen will provide crackers and cheese. Sally Hagg and Marty LaFredo will provide sandwiches.

The next meeting will be Dec. 7 at noon at Panama United Methodist church for a ham dinner. The ham is being donated by Tom Smith and members are to bring their favorite Christmas side dishes and their own table service. Hosts for December include Dorothy Erickson, Dotty Enlow, Barb Potter and Janice Hintenberger.

Area seniors are welcome and encouraged to attend.


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