
Celoron Man Facing Federal Charges In Meth Trafficking

Darin Butts Jr.

CELORON — A four-month, multi-agency investigation into the trafficking and distribution of crystal methamphetamine in southern Chautauqua County has led to the arrest of Darin L. Butts Jr.

On Wednesday, members of the Chautauqua County Narcotics Unit, Jamestown Metro Drug Task Force, Ellicott Police Department, Dunkirk Police Department and the DEA executed a search warrant at 19 E. Duquesne St. without incident. As a result of the search, approximately 2 pounds of crystal methamphetamine, a scale, packaging and a large amount of U.S. currency was seized. Butts, 30, was taken into custody and will be held at the Chautauqua County Jail until he is arraigned on federal charges in the Western District of New York Court in Buffalo.

Authorities continue to ask members of the community to call and report suspicious or narcotics related activity within their neighborhoods. For Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Investigators Tip line call either 800-344-8702 or 716-664-2420, for the Jamestown Police Department Tip line call 716-483-8477 and for the Dunkirk Police Department Tip line call 716-363-0313.


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