
Panama Village Board Receives Praise For Memorial Day Event

Panama Village Board members discussed compliments that were received following its Memorial Day parade.

Trustee Kim Davis said the Panama community had nothing but praise for the board following the day.

“We got lots of good compliments,” Davis said. “John Brown (moderator and did the welcome) thanked the village separately and said that year after year we do a good job and they did a separate little applause.”

Aaron Wolfe, Panama Central School superintendent, gave a speech on the day

Mayor William Schneider — who was unable to help prepare for the parade after getting his shoulder replaced — said he heard that Wolfe also did a good job.

Students who were part of the band in the parade, along with a few others, were encouraged to stay after the parade and were also brought back after the parade, which is something that the board said usually does not happen.

They said the church’s garbage pickup and school’s color run event were also very nice.

The fire department hosted a chicken barbecue during the parade, selling all but 30 dinners.

The board said it was also nice to be able to have something for Memorial Day, as not every place has one.

In other business, a resident brought forward concerns over courtesy letters he had received in regards to his property and zoning laws.

The board recommended resources for things he’d like to do with the property — such as a mortgage — and asked that he call or email them first with future concerns.

Melanie Eddy, code enforcement officer, reported that the house that has been a cause for concern on Wesleyan Street is being cleaned up.

Schneider reported that he had received a call from another resident with a new concern about Wesleyan Street, this time in regard to an increase in children on the street.

The resident wondered about the ability to get speed limit signs and “children at play” signs on the street.

“The complaints have also been that they have been parking on the south side of the street on Sunday mornings when going to church, and it has been clogging up the streets like it did by the school,” Schneider said.

The board discussed talking to the church and also looking into “no parking” signs as well.


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