
Harmony Senior Citizens To Meet Feb. 2

Forty members of the Harmony Senior Citizens enjoyed a soup and sandwich luncheon.

Hosts for the luncheon included Lois King, Gloria Eaton, Cindy McIntyre, and Sally Hagg.

President Roberta Karlson welcomed friends, neighbors, members and guests and encouraged members to say “Hello” to an old friend and introduce yourself to a new one. Chaplain Lois King read “What will you do with this year that’s new” by Helen Steiner Rice.

Secretary Wendie Raynor read the minutes of the December meeting. Wendie read thank you notes from Sally Hagg, Love Inc. and St. Susan’ s Center. Treasurer Mary Lou Garfield gave the treasurer’s report for November and December. She reported a donation of $17 was send to Love Inc. and $81.75 to St. Susan Center. These donations were collected at the December meeting. A donation was also made to the Panama United Methodist Church for the use of their facility for the meetings.

Karlson welcomed new members Donnie and Gail Keller and Martha Lafredo.

Vice President Laurie Russell presented small gifts to members celebrating birthdays in January including Don Garfield, Betty Johnson, Ann Powers, and Pat Walters, Sherry McCarthy was not present and will be send a birthday card.

Dottie Enlow, Trip Chairperson, stated there are 10 seats available for a bus trip to see Disney on Ice. Anyone interested can contact her for more information.

June Whipple reported on the soup and hot dog sale held at the church in December for the “Christmas in the Village of Panama celebration.” A profit of $172.50 was raised for the treasury.

Roberta reported a member of the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s department will be the speaker for the March meeting discussing the increase in SCAMS recently.

The next meeting will be held Feb. 2 at noon for a tureen dinner. Attendees are asked to bring a dish to pass and their own table service. To go along with Valentine’s day, members were encouraged to bring their wedding album, share their engagement stories and or interesting events during their wedding or honeymoon. Hosts for February include Willa May Rupczyk, Darlene Fulton, Betty Johnson and Karen Hurlburt. Area seniors are invited and encouraged to attend.

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