
‘You Are Loved’ Sign Deliveries Available

For $15, a “You Are Loved!” sign and personalized card will be delivered by a Love INC volunteer to a loved one within southern Chautauqua County.

Love In the Name of Christ of Southern Chautauqua County is asking area residents to show love to those they care about while supporting neighbors in need through the 2020 “Love Your Neighbor Campaign.”

For $15, a “You Are Loved!” sign and personalized card will be delivered by a Love INC volunteer to a loved one within southern Chautauqua County. The sign will remain in the yard for one week and then be relocated. If the loved one desires to relocate the sign immediately a relocation fee of $20 can be paid allowing them the opportunity to tell someone else that they are loved.

The mission at Love INC is to mobilize the local church to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ.

“Our community has faced some difficult times over these past few months. The stress and anxiety are impacting everyone. We all need encouragement and reminded we are loved, whether we are a child, a family experiencing financial struggles or a senior citizen in isolation,” said Susan Justham, executive director of Love INC. “This is a way to show caring and compassion of others, support the ministry of Love INC and an opportunity for the community to know that Love INC is here and we care about our neighbors.”

Love In the Name of Christ of Southern Chautauqua County is a local non-profit who has served as a bridge between the church and those in need since 2008. The organization helps local churches make a difference in the lives of their neighbors in need, serving southern Chautauqua County from East Randolph to Sherman and from Sinclairville to the Pennsylvania line through volunteers and donations from area churches, individuals and businesses. It is a non-emergency organization who assists neighbors in need with a thorough intake process including reference verification to gain a deeper understanding of the needs. It provides an opportunity for good stewardship in allowing the local church to help in a healthy, holistic manner; providing a hand up in the name of Christ. Upon intake completion and approval, Love INC volunteers and churches assist with household furnishings, toiletries, cleaning products, baby items and minor home and auto repairs, and Thanksgiving/Christmas assistance. Love INC relies on financial and resource donations, gifts and talents of the local church body and area businesses to meet the needs of those served through Love INC.

For more information, call Justham at 338-9828 or susan.loveinc@gmail.com. To request a “You Are Loved” sign visit www.LOVEINCSCC.org or the Love INC. office at 553 W. Third St., Jamestown, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday or request an order form by emailing loveyourneighborwithloveinc@gmail.com.


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