
Persell School Names Students Of April

Amelia Bush
Jayden Boyd
Molly Wharam
Gracelyn Stevenson

Amelia Bush is the fifth grade Student of the Month for April. She is the daughter of Mark and Jennifer Bush. Her hobbies include playing basketball and cheerleading for the Jamestown Jackals. Amelia’s favorite class is math and she hopes to become a police officer in the future.

Jayden Boyd is the sixth grade Student of the Month for April. She is the daughter of Sandra Boyd. Jayden enjoys drawing and singing in her spare time. Her favorite classes are math, science, social studies and physical education. Jayden plans on joining the military after high school because she wants to protect our country.

Molly Wharam is the seventh grade Student of the Month for April. She is the daughter of Bree Zimmer and James Wharam. Molly likes to play the violin, dance and draw. Her favorite class is science and her goal in life is to become a doctor.

Gracelyn Stevenson is the eighth grade Student of the Month for April. She is the daughter of Michael and Traci Stevenson. Gracelyn likes to ride her bike, take dance classes, play the trumpet, sing and make crafts. Her favorite class is math and she plans on working with children when she gets older.


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