
Packing Power

Jamestown Container Officials Lead Tour, Give Students Information About Jobs At Company

Employees Dan Becker, Dave Spitz and Mike Blakey assist youth and staff from The G.A. Accountability and Responsibility Program during a tour at Jamestown Container Company in Falconer.

Students from the G.A. Accountability and Responsibility Program recently toured the Jamestown Container Company in Falconer.

Daniel Becker, Jamestown Container plant superintendent, Dave Spitz, design manager, and Mike Blakey, design assistant, took time out of their schedules to explain the cardboard business to the youth. The youth were engaged and excited to experience the process of daily operations of the long-tendered Jamestown plant.

The process of making and testing the durability of the products made was explained during the tour. Becker, Spitz and Blakey also explained the different types of jobs within the business and what education is required for employment. The skills needed were discussed in relation to the pay scales for various positions. Information was given outlining weekly, monthly, and annual salary.

Founded in 1956, Jamestown Container Companies is a privately-owned company that has earned a reputation as an innovative, independent provider of high-quality corrugated products, foam packaging, consumer point of purchase displays, retail packaging, packaging supplies, order assembly and fulfillment services, and inventory management solutions.

Jamestown Container Companies operate six facilities throughout Ohio and New York while servicing businesses in northeast Ohio, New York, northwestern Pennsylvania and southern Ontario, Canada.

The Accountability and Responsibility program through G.A. Family Services’ Community Based Service Office runs as an after school and summer program that works with at-risk teenagers in Chautauqua County. The program can have up to 10 youth at a time and runs every eight weeks while staff works to teach leadership and life skills as well as showing youth positive activities within the community in a safe and fun environment.

G.A. Family Services is a non-profit organization serving youth and families throughout all of Western New York with offices in Jamestown and West Seneca. For more information on the A&R Program or any of G.A. Family Service’s Programs call 716-708-6161.


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