
Chamber To Host Marketing Workshop

The Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce and the Gebbie Foundation will a marketing workshop for local businesses and organizations on Monday, June 26, at the Northwest Arena, 319 W. Third St., Jamestown.

Molly Haungs will be the special guest presenter for the Business Builder Workshop, with a focus on Marketing Your Business on a Budget.

“When we talk with our local businesses one of their key concerns is always marketing,” said Daniel Heitzenrater, chamber president and CEO. “They may have a very limited budget, and in some cases they don’t really know where to begin. While we have helped to present some marketing sessions in the past, this one will allow local businesspeople to get into the weeds a bit with their specific issues.”

Haungs has been the marketing manager at LandPro Equipment LLC for 13 years. She oversees marketing, online sales and outreach. LandPro has 20 stores in New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. She is a Buffalo State public communications graduate with 18 years of experience in advertising, public relations, marketing, event planning, communications and business development. She has worked in very large companies as well as small businesses, restaurants and banquet facilities.

The event will feature three components for the convenience of the presenter and attendees:

¯ 1 to 2:30 p.m. — Presentation

¯ 2:30 to 3 p.m. — Break and Networking

¯ 3 to 4 p.m. — Direct question-and-answer period.

Those interested can attend all three sections or visit for specific sections.

Registration is required. Please register by June 21 to reserve your spot for this special free event. Light refreshments will be provided.

“Access to high level professionals in business who share their capacities with local chamber members is a clear benefit to our local business community,” said Gebbie Foundation Chief Executive Officer Greg Edwards. “What we at the Gebbie Foundation want to see is a vibrant local economy, and this type of educational program with business growth opportunities is a perfect fit.”


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