


Hold Special Meeting Today

The Southwestern Central School Board of Education will hold a special meeting today at 6 p.m. in the district’s board room in the Southwestern Middle School. The board is expected to move into executive session to discuss the employment histories of particular person or persons and matters related to the hiring of a new superintendent of schools.

St. Luke’s Thrift Shop To Open Saturday During Comedy Festival

The St. Luke’s Thrift Shop will be open Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the Lucille Ball Comedy Festival. The shop will be open to all regular customers, patrons of the public market and Lucy Fest visitors. Summer clothing for men, women and children is half-price. The shop is located at 409 Pine St. between East Fourth and East Fifth streets behind St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Jamestown. Regular store hours at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sales are cash-only.


Outdoor Club

To Kayak In



CASSADAGA – On Sunday members of the Allegheny Outdoor Club will kayak on Cassadaga Lake. The group will meet at the Park and Ride on North Main Street, Jamestown, near Exit 12 of Interstate 86, at 1:30 p.m. or at the lake at 2 p.m. Bev Creed is the leader of this activity and can be reached at 716-963-4702 for any questions.

Rev. Adam Rohler Is Guest Pastor Sunday

At First Lutheran

The Rev. Adam Rohler will be the pulpit guest for the First Lutheran Church on Sunday. He will preach at both the 9 a.m. contemporary service and the 10:30 a.m. traditional service. The Sacred Fire Praise Team will lead the contemporary service. Special music at the traditional swill include a piano solo played by Gail Espinoza for the prelude entitled Draw Me Close by Kelly Carpenter/arranged by Marilynn Ham. Rohler will be featured at the offertory solo singing Oh God Have Mercy (from “St. Paul”) by Felix Mendelssohn. Brian A. Bogey, organist/choirmaster, will be the organist for the service. The public is welcome to attend.

ILS Veterans Club To Host Barbecue


The ILS Veterans Club, located on Fluvanna Avenue next to Arby’s, will host its signature chicken barbecue Sunday from noon until sold out. The bar will be open and the public is welcomed to eat in or take out. Dinners include a half chicken, applesauce, and a roll plus a choice of roasted potatoes, macaroni salad, or baked beans. The cost for a full dinner is $14; chicken only is $11. Proceeds support service programs sponsored by the Sons of AMVETs and the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary.


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