

ILS Veterans Club To Host Chicken BBQ Sunday

The ILS Veterans Club will host its signature chicken barbecue Sunday. The club is located next to Arby’s on Fluvanna Avenue. Dinners are served starting at noon until sold out and include a half chicken, applesauce, and a roll. Sides include a choice of roasted potatoes, macaroni salad, or baked beans. The cost for a full dinner is $14; chicken only is $11. Proceeds support service programs sponsored by the Sons of AMVETs and the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary.

Outdoor Club To Ride, Hike

In Ridgeway

On Sunday, Allegheny Outdoor Club members will ride bikes or hike part of the Clarion-Little Toby Trail from Ridgway, Pa., to an old ghost town of Carman. The group will meet at Musante Street, Warren, at 1 p.m. or at the trai head on Water Street, Ridgeway, at 2 p.m. Greg Burkett is the leader for this activity.

Hillcrest Church To Host Hymn Sing Sunday

“O Lord, Preserve Our Nation” is the theme of a hymn sing at the Hillcrest Church, 40 Hallock St., Jamestown, on Sunday at 6 p.m. Pastors Mark Hinman of Hillcrest and Mel McGinnis of Kiantone Congregational will together lead in the song and prayer service. The public is welcome to attend.

Hazeltine Library Author Series Concludes July 1

BUSTI – The Monday evening author series held at the Hazeltine Public Library will conclude on July 1 with an appearance by mystery writer Deb Pines. Pines is an award winner headline writer from the New York Post who has written 11 Mimi Goldman murder mysteries, all set in Chautauqua Institution. She will be talking about her novels, the process of writing and why she set them at Chautauqua. Her presentation begins at 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 1. The event is free and open to everyone. The Hazeltine Public Library is located at 891 Busti-Sugar Grove Road, Busti. The author series will resume in late August; local writers interested in sharing their work, talking about the writing process are invited to contact the library at 716-487-1281 for more information.

4th Of

July Parade


Asked To Arrive By 8:30 a.m.

MAYVILLE – The organizers of the Chautauqua County 4th of July parade are requesting that everyone who is coming to Mayville are encouraged to find a place to park by 8:30 a.m. Routes 394 and 430 will be closed at 9:30 a.m.and may not reopen until as late as 1 p.m. The parade is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Organizers ask everyone to obey all detours and fire police directing all traffic.

Harmony Senior Citizens Cancels July Meeting

The Harmony Senior Citizens meeting for July has been canceled due to the fact it falls on July 4. The next meeting is scheduled for August 1 at the Panama United Methodist Church at noon for a chicken barbeque. The cost is $10. Reservations ae required by July 12 and can be made by contacting Mary Lou at 782-4575.


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