

CVCS Board To Meet Wednesday

SINCLAIRVILLE — The Cassadaga Valley Central School Board of Education will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday in the middle-high school multipurpose room. The meeting will also be held via Zoom at a second location: 6042 Monmouth Road, Van Wert, Ohio.

Soil, Water

Conservation Board To Meet

The Chautauqua County Soil and Water Conservation District board will meet at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Bemus Point United Methodist Church, 4954 Bemus-Ellery Road, Bemus Point. Contact the district at 664-2351, ext. 102, or Chaut-Co@soilwater.org if interested in attending so that attendance numbers can be recorded and those attending can be provided with COVID-19 safety protocol meeting guidelines, the room location and parking instructions. The public is welcome to attend.

Thrift Shop Announces Sale

St. Luke’s Thrift Shop, 409 Pine St. between East Fourth and East Fifth streets, Jamestown, announces additional sale items: Ladies tops and men’s shirts are all half off. Also added are ladies and men’s pants 50 cents each. The housewares department just received many new items. The shop is open for sales Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; receiving only Tuesday from 9 a.m. to noon. Off-street parking is available in the church lot off East Fifth Street. Customers and staff are again asked to wear face masks.

Fire District

Sets Budget Workshop

PORTLAND — There will be a budget workshop meeting held at the Portland Fire Hall on Monday, Aug. 23, at 7 p.m. to review the 2022 budget of the Portland Fire District and any other business that may come before the board. The public is welcome to attend.

DSS Retirees To Hold Picnic

The Chautauqua County Department of Social Services retirees will hold their annual picnic on Wednesday, Aug. 25, at the Carlson Community Building, Lakeside Park, 50 W. Lake Road, Mayville, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring a dish to share, beverages and a lawn chair. Tableware will be provided. Picnic will be held rain or shine. Call Linda at 499-7421 for more information.

Reunion Is Set For Aug. 28

Ever since 1915, the descendants of Walter Shepardson, 1831-1905, and his wife, Camilla Partridge Shepardson, 1833-1906, have meet once a year to bring family together and celebrate the lives of their ancestors. After a year off for COVID-19, the family will gather for its 106th reunion at Gerry Town Park Pavilion 1 on Saturday, Aug. 28, for a picnic lunch. The family will eat at noon and everyone attending is asked to bring a dish of food to pass and their own table service and beverage. The family has acquired some old photo albums since the last meeting in 2019, and they will be available to view at the reunion. Any family members that may not have received an invitation in the mail are encouraged to attend the picnic. For more information, call Dean Barmore Jr. at 985-4892.


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