

The Fun They Used To Have

Last article, we met Sally who described Roosevelt, her husband’s history of sports viewing. Once a family and friendship source, he now watched the Buffalo Bills football game alone. His tirade towards their losing ways left friends and family, including his two sons and Sally, withdrawing. ...

Why Did We Ever Do Away With Trains?

I learned to love trains from little on. Grandma’s house was just a short way from the tracks so we heard the trains. Actually, unless we were outdoors, we really did not hear the trains. I guess we just got used to the sound so we never heard it. I do remember when they went from the old ...

Feeling The Loss Of Kobe

“Kobe is dead.” Those were the first words out of my middle son’s mouth when I answered the phone. I paused, waiting for the punchline to this really bad joke. He said it twice more. My mouth fell open. Was he serious? It felt like words had become disconnected from meanings. I put him ...

The Good Life: ‘Fear Of Bernie’ From Political Hacks

The “fear of Bernie” phenomenon by 2020 opponents of the re-election of President Trump is palpable. In my case, it is also laughable. Steven Roberts’ recent syndicated column reprinted on Jan. 17 in the Courier-Express is a prime example. Roberts claims that Sanders’ belated, ...

There Is No Ukraine Whodunit

It shouldn’t be news that John Bolton can attest to a White House scheme to pressure Ukraine on investigations. The existence of this campaign, now at the center of the impeachment fight, has been obvious for months. There is no mystery here, no whodunit, no dining-car reckoning from ...

Canine Companion: Dogs Sometimes Fear Men

Hey, guys, today, we are just going to drive right into a topic — dogs’ fear of men. Have you ever experienced this or are you currently experiencing this issue? Even if you aren’t having this problem now, you may want to clip out this article for future reference. Your dog may be ...