
Canine Companion: Flowers May Be Toxic To Your Dog

Hey, guys. Just a short article for this week. I have had many questions come in about flowers in the home. We addressed this a while back, but it’s worth talking about again briefly.

Quite a few of us enjoy flowers in our home. Flowers brighten up the room. What most of us don’t know though is some flowers are incredibly toxic to our dogs.

We will go through a few of the ‘good ones’ and a few of the ‘bad ones’ today.

Good Flowers

First, let’s talk about the good flowers. These are the flowers that are known to be safe in your home: Easter Orchid, Resurrection Lily, Easter Lily Cactus, and an Easter Daisy.

Since this article is about the plants toxic to your dog, we will let you do a bit of digging on your own to find more ‘good flowers.’

Bad Flowers

The ‘bad’ flowers aren’t actually bad in general. They’re just bad for our dogs. Each of the flowers we will discuss has a different effect on our dog. The following flowers are known to be toxic:

Tulips — Ingestion can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, drooling, lack of appetite, and/or depression.

Daffodil — Ingestion may result in convulsions, seizures, tremors, and/or low blood pressure.

Peace Lily — Ingestion may result in severe ulcers in the mouth, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.

Rhododendron — Ingestion may result in drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, collapse, and potentially death.

Tiger Lily — Ingestion may result in vomiting and/or kidney failure.

Azalea — Ingestion may result in vomiting, diarrhea, depression, collapse, and potentially death.

Morning Glory — Ingestion may result in hallucination and/or diarrhea.

Keep Digging

Keep in mind, this list is not a complete list of toxic flowers/plants. Your dog looks to you to guide and protect him. Prior to purchasing any flowers or plants for your home, be sure to do some research. Many plants you would least expect may be the most toxic for your dog.

If you are unsure if your dog has consumed something toxic, or unsure as to the level of toxicity of what they have consumed, reach out to your veterinarian and/or poison control immediately. The phone number for the Pet Poison Control Helpline is (888) 426-4335.

Don’t forget. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Until next time.


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