
Poisonous To Your Dog?

Dear Readers,

In the doggy world, March is poison prevention awareness month. This is a critical topic for those who currently have a dog or are considering adopting a dog. Your dog’s metabolism is much different than your own. Common items most would not even consider to be poisonous could potentially harm your dog.

Let’s go through several of the most well-known poisons first; the cleaning agents under your sink. You should never allow your dog to go near cleaning agents even if they are unopened or closed. Although many cleaning agents will only result in an upset stomach, some may result in severe burns of the tongue, mouth and stomach. Generally, all cleaning agents, pesticides, medications, mouse bait and ant bait should be stored in an area your dog is unable to reach. Common household items such as coffee grounds, homemade play dough, fabric softener sheets, dishwasher detergent, batteries and potpourri could also prove lethal to your loving companion.

You should never provide your dog any medication not recommended by your veterinarian. The medication we, as humans, in the majority of cases consume is much different than what your dogs are able to handle. Just to provide an example, one 200 mg ibuprofen could result in a stomach ulcer. NSAID’s like advil, aleve and motrin could also result in stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers and/or kidney failure. Acetaminophen, also known as Tylenol, could result in liver failure and red blood cell damage.

The plants found in your home could also be fatal to your dog. Plants like the easter lily or the yew plant are often fatal. Other plants including azalea, oleander, sago palm and castor bean are also extremely dangerous and could be fatal to your dog. Garage items, like antifreeze, smell and taste sweet to your dog and even the slightest amount could be harmful.

Finally, even items you would consider food could prove hazardous, and sometimes fatal, to your loving canine companion. Please take a look at the list below for ‘poisonous foods’ along with what could occur if your dog were to ingest them:

¯ Avocado: Avocados contain persin resulting in vomiting and diarrhea.

¯ Raisins: Even in small amounts, raisins can result in kidney failure.

¯ Dairy: Too much dairy could result in diarrhea.

¯ Onions and Garlic: Onions and garlic could result in blood cell damage and anemia.

¯ Mushrooms: Some species of mushrooms could result in shock or death.

¯ Grapes: Even the ingestion of a small number of grapes may result in kidney failure.

¯ Fatty foods: An excessive amount of fatty foods could result in pancreatitis.

¯ Walnuts and Macadamia Nuts: Walnut or macadamia nut ingestion may result in damage to the nervous system and muscular damage.

¯ Cooked bones: Cooked bones could result in lacerations to the stomach.

¯ Peanut Butter: Peanut butter now may contain Xylitol, a sweetening agent, which is fatal to dogs even in small amounts. Xylitol may also be found in sugar-free gum, candy, chocolate, pudding and vitamins.

If you believe your dog has consumed any toxins, be certain to remain as calm as possible and act quickly. First contact your veterinarian if possible. If you are unable to reach the veterinarian immediately, please contact the Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435. The Poison Control Center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, and is staffed with veterinarians who are knowledgeable in canine toxins and treatments. Keep the phone number readily available in case of emergency.

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