
Of Vice And Men

After reading Mike Rukavina’s column a couple week’s ago on addiction to coffee creamer I had to take stock of my own vices. I had a hard time relating to his problems with coffee, though, as I am a non-drinker of the stuff.

Even dating back to my college days where having a cup of coffee in the morning was as commonplace as lugging a textbook in the style of Bernie Sanders I never drank it. According to the Nation Coffee Association — yes, they are an actual group — 83 percent of all Americans drink coffee regularly.

It’s the same with me as beer; I never understood the appeal of either taste. Coffee, even with loads of sugar and cream, is just too bland for my taste. With beer it’s like drinking liquid cardboard, and I’m not ashamed to say of all the varieties I have indeed given many kinds a shot, but they all taste exactly the same to me.

I have long listened to the pitch of many who suggest a particular type of beer or a coffee blend from Latin America. I usually let them make their best case. Hey, if they’re even willing to pay for one I will give it a fair shake.

But in the end I’ll stick to my usual drinks. However, therein lies the rub for me as of late. (By the way, that last sentence, albeit a favorite of mine, is a misquote from Hamlet’s soliloquy.) Anyway, I have always been a big drinker of carbonated beverages. Pop to most of us here in Western New York and soda to almost everyone else.

It didn’t matter the maker, flavor or caffeine content, if it was available I would gladly help myself. I got to the point where I would immediately have one upon getting to work just to get myself revved up for the long night. But as you could imagine it became just a gross addiction. Far too often I would crash later on, which impacted my focus and just made me feel worse than what I was hoping for in the first place.

In the past I have given up the stuff. Usually for a day or two, and once even for a month. But I always went back to it, where one slip would just be an excuse to return to old habits. It’s easy for me to see why it’s so hard for people to quit other vices such as smoking.

All that being said, I stopped drinking the junk more than three weeks ago. As expected the first few days were pretty miserable. I had a blistering headache a week ago and it’s difficult to know if the withdrawal had anything to do with it. I blamed it, nonetheless.

So I’ve stuck it out this long, and it’s something I’m sure I can do for the long haul. I got over the initial hump so at this point it’s just resisting temptation. I have started to drink a lot more water, especially at work where the urge to reach for something sugary can be daunting. I also bought some sparking water, which helps with the sudden lack of carbonation I have been missing. So far it’s helped.

In the grand scheme of things we all have our addictions in one form or another. Be it coffee, Pepsi, junk food or even video games it’s all about moderation they say.


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