
Senior News

Medicare Savings Program Can Help Some

Question: I hear other people talk about benefits that pay their Medicare Part B premium. What is that and how do I get that? Answer: The program I believe you are asking about is called the Medicare Savings Program (MSP). This is a Medicaid benefit administered by the Department of Social ...

Questions About Penalties For Non-Enrollment In Medicare

Question: Medicare is complicated. I just found out there is a penalty if I don’t enroll. What are those penalties? Answer. This is a follow-up question to last week’s summary of all the Medicare parts. Last week I explained the different components of Medicare, when they started and ...

Things You Should Know About The Need For Medicare Part B

Question: I have been told I need to sign up for Part B. How do I know if I do? Answer: Happy General Enrollment Period (GEP)! One of the most important rules to remember is that Medicare Part A, B and D all have different rules. This article defines the rules regarding Medicare Part B ...

How Is Coverage Impacted As Husband Turns 65?

Question: I am currently working with a High Deductible Health Plan that includes an HSA and my husband is turning 65. How does his Medicare benefit impact the coverage my employer provides us? Answer: Turning 65 and becoming eligible for Medicare is an important threshold for your husband ...

Season Of Upper Respiratory Illness, Should You Get Vaccinated?

We all know that fall, winter, and even springtime in our areas can be fraught with upper respiratory illness! The CDC notes, “Fall and winter are a time when viruses that cause respiratory disease usually circulate more heavily in the community. Before COVID-19, two viruses, flu, and RSV, ...

Immersive Experience

POMPANO BEACH, Fla. — Retired Army Col. Farrell Patrick taught computer science at West Point during the 1970s and then at two private universities through the 1990s, so he isn’t surprised by the progress technology has made over the decades. But when the 91-year-old got his first ...