
Dog Training Really Can Be Beneficial For Dog, Owner

Hey, guys. Another week, another article. This week I want to focus on one question… is dog training really worth it? This is a question I receive on a regular basis.

The short answer. Yes. Professional opinion and personal opinion. Yes.

Whether you’re trying to teach your dog basic obedience skills he’s never learned or just ‘honing’ the skills she already has, training can be extremely beneficial for both the dog and the owner.


First off, safety is clearly one of our main concerns. We love our dogs. They’re part of our family. We want to make sure they’re safe.

If your dog is obedient, meaning he or she listens to you (and follows basic commands), she’s less likely to dart out in front of a car while frantically chasing a squirrel once she hears that ‘Bella, come!’ Right?

That goes the same for other ‘scary’ situations you might encounter with your furry best friend.

A trained, and well-socialized, dog will also be less aggressive in most cases. Your dog will be less likely to get into ‘fights’ with other dogs. With other animals, too. So that’s a safety measure for you, your dog, and others.

If you have a puppy, start now. Start yesterday, actually. Your pup is never too young to start ‘learning.’



Here’s the next important thing. We want to create a strong bond with our dog. We want a bond so strong our dog wants to do literally everything with us (everything we want to do). We want to share our lives with our dog.

Training strengthens the bond you share. And, yes, even if your dog is already trained you’ll make your bond stronger by reinforcing the training.

Positive training also further opens the lines of communication. Your dog and yourself will be able to better understand one another, and continue understanding one another, with the time you are spending.



Here’s the hard part. Most of us are incredibly busy juggling a ridiculous (unmanageable) number of tasks each day. We must go to work… many of us for 8+ hours per day. We must take care of our children. Laundry. Homework. College if you’re a student. The list could literally make a book itself, right?

If you’re super busy, you might feel like your dog isn’t able to receive the attention she deserves. And, maybe you’re frantic and upset about not being able to get your dog the training she needs.

In this case, looking into a dog training service or a private dog trainer could be the best bet. Yes, your dog will bond to the trainer but that won’t make him love you any less. And, the trainer could build the foundation for your bond to grow.

Plus, knowing your dog is being trained (even if it’s not by you) can put your mind at ease. And, you’ll know your dog is being loved and supported by a professional. Nothing to worry about.


Once you’ve put down the foundation (basic obedience), you might want to start teaching your dog special skills. You can take a step further than just obedience training. Teach your dog how to shake. Lay down. Roll over. Fetch. Sniff out special objects. The activities you can do together are never-ending.


Here we go . . . the bottom line. As always.

The bottom line here is understanding training is critical to your dog’s well-being… and your sanity. Your dog doesn’t automatically understand what is expected of him. It’s your responsibility to let him know. Training helps him understand. Training opens your line of communication. Training strengthens your bond.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail at amberldrake@dogbehavior.org or or join my Facebook Group (Dog Behavior Group). It’s linked to my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/specialistamberdrake.

Until next time!


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