
Be True To Your School

In some states schools are back in session. Around here, back to school deals are being advertised by local stores, parents are checking over those school supply lists sent home with students at the end of the last school year, and stocking up on some/all of those items, a little or a lot at a time, and despite what kids are dreading about there being only about three weeks of summer vacation left. My old K-8 school, St James Parochial School, is planning a huge school reunion this October, my JHS graduating class just held its 45th reunion, and Sally and her schoolmates at Sherman Central School just celebrated their 40th. I’m excited to get back to doing some subbing locally, parents are probably chomping at the bit for that first school bell to ring out (forgive me I’m old, haven’t really heard a school bell in years), so I guess it’s time to get excited about school again.

We all have a sense of pride in the schools we attended, especially the schools from which (if has happened already) we graduated. We all can probably sing our school’s “fight” song and alma mater, and remember those pep rallies and Friday night football games, other sports seasons, Exchange Students, Homecoming, Senior (or Junior/Senior) Prom, class trips, school plays, musical concerts, and much of what was associated with each of our individual classes.

Having just celebrated the 45th anniversary of my high school class’s graduation of 1971, and remembering all of the following information since graduation (and not because we just had our 45th reunion this past summer), I can remember our class advisor (Mr. David Fairbanks), our class colors (green and gold), our class mascot (the griffin), and our class motto (We’re the greatest, we’re the best, we’re the class above the rest, the greatest class beneath the sun, ’cause we’re the class of ’71). I certainly remember our school song, “On Red Raiders,” set to the theme of “On Wisconsin,” and outstandingly played by every Jamestown High School band for as long as I can ever remember. And having just told you the nickname of my school, I am wondering if we can name the rest of our county’s public school nicknames, and a few from neighboring Cattaraugus County, and the names of schools attended by some of our favorite television students and teachers.

So, as you probably have figured out, it’s time for another memory test brought to you by the “Voice from the Bullpen.” So grab your pencil and paper and, jump start your brain with another coffee, tea, or juice, and let’s visit some of the real and fictitious schools of our world.

Part I – Name the mascots of the following Chautauqua and Cattaraugus County Schools

1.) Southwestern Central School

2.) Falconer Central School

3.) Frewsburg Central School

4.) Cassadaga Valley Central School

5.) Sherman Central School

6.) Panama Central School

7.) Clymer Central School

8.) Chautauqua Lake Central School

9.) Ripley Central School

10.) Brocton Central School

11.) Westfield Central School

12.) Maple Grove Central School

13.) Fredonia Central School

14.) Dunkirk Central School

15.) Forestville Central School

16.) Silver Creek Central School

17.) Pine Valley Central School

18.) Randolph Central School

19.) Salamanca Central School

20.) Olean Central School

21.) Gowanda Central School

22.) Alleghany Limestone Central School

23.) Cattaraugus – Little Valley Central School

24.) Ellicottville Central School

25.) Portville Central School

26.) Chautauqua Central School (before merging with Mayville Central to form Chautauqua Lake Central School District.)

Name the mascots for these three Jamestown Middle Schools

27.) Thomas Jefferson Middle School

28.) George Washington Middle School

29.) George Persell Middle School

Name the grammar or high schools of these television students (not the mascots, but the schools)

30.) What was the High School attended by Richie, Potsie, Ralph, later Joanie and Chachi, and even attended by Fonzi as a student then a teacher in Happy Days?

31.) What was the Grade School attended by Theodore “Beaver” Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver?

32.) What was the High School attended by Patty and Cathy Lane on The Patty Duke Show?

33.) What was the name of the high school in the series Room 222?

34.) What was the name of the high school where Lucas Tanner taught?

35.) What was the name of the high school that employed Ken Reeves to coach the basketball team in The White Shadow?

36.) What was the name of the high school where Mr. Novak taught?

37.) What was the name of the High School from where Greg Brady graduated?

38.) What was the name of the high school from where Billie Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Betty Jo graduated on Petticoat Junction?

39.) What was the name of the high school attended by the characters of Saved by the Bell?

40.) What was the name of the high school and Home of the Sweathogs on the television show Welcome Back Kotter?

There’s the quiz, folks. Score 2.5 points for each correct answer. (Round up if need be.) Hope you all had an easy time with this one. Just as I did numerous times on tests in class, I’m throwing in an extra credit question for you to get some bonus points and giving you the possibility of getting a 105 score on this one.

Bonus question for 5 points: What was Jamestown Community College’s mascot before they changed to The Jayhawks in the late ’60s/early ’70s?

School Days, School Days,

Hope this was kind to yous days

Remembering all of these school mascots,

and even the ones that you did forgots.

Okay, I’ll stop … I guess song writing isn’t my thing. Aside from that futile attempt to write this ditty (and be glad I didn’t really sing it to you) I hope you enjoyed this latest edition of Fun with Flags … oops, sorry, that’s Sheldon’s gig … I mean the latest edition of the Voice from the Bullpen Memory Jogger.

Have a great day and week, my friends.

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