

Janet Lavietes Molleur along with Alan and Rhonda Molleur of Maryland are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Emily Molleur to Christopher Carlson, son of Susan DePetro Carlson of Jamestown and John Carlson of Pittsburgh.

Emily is a 2011 graduate of Sherwood High School and 2015 graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park. She works in administration at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

Christopher is a 2011 graduate of Jamestown High School and 2015 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. He received his Master of Public Health in 2020 from Dartmouth College. Christopher is an active duty Commissioned Officer with the U.S. Public Health Service, stationed at National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD and currently serving as a Program Specialist.

A June 4, 2022, wedding is planned in College Park, Md.


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