

The Reg Lenna Center for the Arts is presently accepting entries for a visual arts exhibit to be held at the 3rd on 3rd Gallery. The theme of the show is Flamenco, the fiery folk music of southern Spain.

The art show will accompany a live performance by Flamenco Vivo on the Reg’s stage, which will take place Feb. 24.

The deadline for submission is 4 p.m. on Feb. 6. No fee is charged for works submitted for the show, and they need not be offered for sale, although the gallery charges a 25 percent commission on any work which is sold.

The visual art show will be open to the public from Feb. 13 to March 13. An opening reception will be offered, the first evening of the show.

For additional information about this show, phone 484-7070, or consult the website at www.reglenna.com.

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The Lucille Ball Little Theatre of Jamestown will perform the Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Driving Miss Daisy,” opening Feb. 6 and running on weekends through Feb. 14.

The play covers the years from 1948 through 1973, and examines the developing friendship between a spinster in the American Deep South, and her African-American chauffeur, in the midst of growing age and a widely changing cultural pattern.

Tickets are $20. To inquire about reservations, phone 483-1095 or go to the company’s website at www.lucilleballlittletheatre.org. The company performs in their own venue, at 18 E. Second St., in downtown Jamestown.

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Opening Feb. 5 and running through March 1, the Jewish Repertory Theatre of Western New York will perform a production of “Beau Jeste,” by James Sherman. The plot concerns a Jewish woman who is engaged to marry a non-Jewish man with the almost offensively non-Jewish name Kris Kringle. Forced to attend a family affair, she decides to hire an actor to portray the Jewish doctor she has told her parents she is dating.

Performances begin Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 4 and 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. For ticket prices and other information, go to the company’s website at www.jewishrepertorytheatre.com, or phone 888-718-4253. Performances take place at 2640 N. Forest Road, in the Buffalo suburb of Getzville.

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Speaking of the Jewish Repertory Theater, tomorrow afternoon they will offer an opportunity to enjoy McConnell and Company’s legendary paean of celebration of women, “Diva By Diva,” at 4 p.m. in their facility.

Purchase tickets at the door, or phone 204-2257 for reservations. Tickets are $25.

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MusicalFare Theater, in the Buffalo suburb of Amherst offers cabaret performances in the near future.

Today, at 4 and 8 p.m., and tomorrow at 2 p.m., enjoy an Evening with Sophie Tucker, performed by Kelli Bocock-Natale.

Next Saturday, at 4 and 8 p.m. and Jan. 25 at 2 p.m., enjoy a Carole King Tribute. Performances take place in the cabaret room of the MusicalFare Theater, on the campus of Daemen College at 4380 Main St. in Amherst.

To purchase tickets, or for additional information, phone 839-8540 or go to www.musicalfare.com.

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Jan. 23-31, the famed theater department of Niagara University will perform their annual Short Play Festival, with plays lasting 10 minutes or less, written by students in the program.

For additional information about the program, or to reserve tickets, phone 286-8685 or send an email to theatre@niagara.edu.

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The Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus has announced the employment of a new director for their much-respected organization. Adam Luebke will be joining the chorus, immediately.

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Beginning Friday evening, and running through Feb. 15 at the Road Less Travelled Company in Buffalo, see a staged reading of a screenplay titled “An Unproduced Screenplay About the Death of Walt Disney” on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.

The script explores the controversial filmmaker whose reputation has long been questioned, behind his cover as “Uncle Walt,” who made cartoons and live-action films for children.

Tickets are $35 for the general public and $17 for students. Phone 629-3069 or go to www.roadlesstravelledproductions.org. The company performs in the Arcade Theatre Complex, directly across Main Street from Shea’s Performing Arts Center.

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Those who have always been curious about the realities of Anne Frank, and the tiny hiding space in which she and a number of relatives and friends hid for a long while from the Nazis, but who have never had the means to visit the actual site in Amsterdam, can now see an exhibit from the famed Anne Frank Museum, at the Stratford Perth Museum, in Kitchener, Ontario, a drive of four hours or less from our area.

The exhibition will be a companion to a production of the play, “The Diary of Anne Frank,” which will be part of the 2015 season of plays at the Stratford Festival. The exhibit is being expanded, from the Anne Frank displays, to include a study of refugees in general, and of the Canadian role in the liberation of Europe in 1945.

Advance tickets for the exhibit may be purchased through the Stratford Festival Box Office, at 800-567-1600, or through the company’s website at www.stratfordfestival.ca. Visitors from our area to the Stratford Festival normally drive through Kitchener, on their way to Stratford, so the exhibit is a reasonable addition to a visit to the festival.

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Speaking of the great Canadian theatrical festivals, the phone lines opened on Jan. 10 for the purchase of tickets to the Shaw Festival’s 2015 season of productions.

The festival is located at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, a drive of two hours or less from our area. Reduced ticket prices are offered through Feb. 1 for many of this season’s productions.

To inquire about the Shaw Festival or to order tickets, phone 800-511-SHAW.

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We have a number of readers who visit Philadelphia on a regular basis. They should note that city’s famed Rodin Museum is temporarily closed while their artworks are being re-exhibited.

The Philadelphia Rodin Museum houses one of the largest collections of the work of the sculptor of “The Thinker,” outside of Paris. The museum is scheduled to re-open on Feb. 6.

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Residents of Chautauqua County who feel starved of live opera productions can see performances in repertory from July 10 through Aug. 23 of four operas at the Glimmerglass Festival in Cooperstown. This year’s productions will include Mozart’s “The Magic Flute,” Verdi’s “Macbeth,” Bernstein’s “Candide” and Vivaldi’s rarely performed “Cato in Utica.”

Among the guest lecturers and performers at Glimmerglass will be Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and singers Deborah Voight and Frederica von Stade.

For information about Glimmerglass, phone 607-547-0700 or go to www.glimmerglass.org.


The Canadian Opera Company re-stages their much acclaimed production of Wagner’s “Die Walkure,” created by director Atom Egoyan. It opens Jan. 31 and plays through Feb. 22.

The company also will perform Mozart’s “Don Giovanni,” on alternate evenings from the star-studded Wagner production, beginning Jan. 24 and running through Feb. 21.

Tickets to each performance of the two productions range in price from $49 to $424 per seat, in Canadian funds. Significant discounts are available for those younger than age 15, and those younger than 30. Purchase them by phoning 416-363-8231, or go to the company’s web site at www.coc.ca. Performances take place at the beautiful, new Four Seasons Performing Arts Center, at the intersection of University Avenue, and Queen Street, West.

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Westfield native Michael John LaChiusa has composed any number of successful Broadway shows, off-Broadway shows and operas. One of his successes is “The Wild Party,” which will be performed at Toronto’s Acting Up Stage, beginning Feb. 20 and closing March 8. LaChiusa himself will be present in Toronto, at some time during the run, but that information is not yet ready to be released by the company. We’ll let you know.

To find out more about the production, or to purchase tickets phone 416-927-7880, or go to www.actingupstage.com.

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Today, at the 1891 Fredonia Opera House, and again on Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m., both days, see the film “Rosewater,” a film by television personality Jon Stewart, about a journalist, in today’s Iran. Tickets are $7, and may be bought at the door.

Friday night’s presentation of the National Theatre’s stage production “Skylight” and tonight’s presentation of the Bolshoi Ballet’s “La Bayadere” have been postponed until Friday, Jan. 23, at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday, Jan. 24, at 1 p.m., respectively.

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Fans of the professional touring company of “Disney on Ice” can see that company’s production of “Treasure Trove,” starring the Disney Princesses, at Erie’s Convention Center, Jan. 28 to Feb. 1. The release I’m using has no ticket prices. Inquire by phoning 814-452-4857, of going to www.erieevents.com.


From time to time, we print our policies for your information.

Any organization wanting a performance or exhibition reviewed should request, preferably in writing, that The Post-Journal review. Sending us information about an event will get you an announcement. You must say some version of “Please review this event,” to get a review.

Should two events happen at the same time, the sponsor requesting first will be reviewed. We politely ask that you not send requests earlier than the first day of the month before the month in which your event will happen.It is virtually impossible to keep track of requests from a year in the past.

When performances are religious in intent, the newspaper can not evaluate their religious value, only their artistic qualities.

Children and youth through high school will not be reviewed, and if they appear in a performance with adults, may be named, but will not be evaluated.

Material intended for publication in The Critical Eye and its “Winks” must be received at least 10 days before the Saturday on which you want the information to appear. Exceptions are impossible.

Drop announcements into our night mailbox, or mail them to The Post-Journal, P.O. Box 190, Jamestown, NY 14702-0190. Make certain that my name or the name of this column is clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. Please realize, I do the vast majority of my work outside the newspaper’s offices, so you should not assume that because you have sent information to the newsroom, that I have seen that information, unless you have specifically put my name on it.

You may email information to this address: pjcritic@yahoo.com.

Suggestions for the subjects of full columns are welcome, but please be aware, they are usually booked very far in advance.

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Opening Jan. 16 and playing through Feb. 8, Buffalo’s Irish Classical Theatre Company will present the play “The Lion in Winter” by James Goldman.

The play, which became an Oscar-winning film starring Peter O’Toole and Katharine Hepburn, is set in 1183, and tells the historically true story of England’s King Henry II and his love/hate relationship with his wife, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, with their sons, Richard the Lionheart, Geoffrey and Prince John serving as pawns in their parents’ ongoing struggles. When kings and queens quarrel, soldiers die and cities burn.

The company’s artistic director, Vincent O’Neill, and his wife, featured guest artist Josephine Hogan, play the royal couple. Tickets are $39 each. On Sundays, seniors are admitted for $35. Student tickets, with valid ID, cost $15. Phone 853-4282 or go by computer to www.irishclassicaltheatre.com. The company performs at the Andrews Theatre, diagonally across Main Street from Shea’s Performing Arts Center.


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