
Holy Week: There Is A Season

We’re in the midst of Holy Week as the season of Lent winds down — and we are approaching the good news of Easter. I think it’s a fitting end to a period of reflection and sacrifice, a bit of a wind-down period that ends in a blossom of hope.

I think everything is intricately planned by God, and I think this season is no different. We know that the finished work of Christ is awaiting us at the end of this week — Easter Sunday and the Resurrection of Christ will be observed by Christians everywhere. But, we have this last week to ponder each step of the way to get to that empty tomb.

When Jesus started his trek to the Cross – as he rode into Jerusalem and ate the Passover meal with his disciples — did he feel impending dread? Did he savor the moments he had with them until he had to complete this momentous task? We don’t have a recording of his personal thoughts — but we do know he spent a lot of time praying and also, in Matthew 26:39, Jesus says “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”

While Christ says, “if it be possible, let this cup pass from me,” he ends the statement with “not as I will, but as you will.” That is the very nature of Lent – sacrificing something of ourselves so that God’s will and desire for us will prevail in our lives. In this week, especially, we can walk with Jesus to the Cross, and focus less on ourselves and more on God as we go. Then, we can celebrate triumphantly the Good News of the Gospel that gives us the hope of an empty tomb and a promise fulfilled.

When things seem dark and God seems silent, maybe he is simply giving you the lull before the great hope and joy that he has in store for you. Think of the disciples, anxious and feeling alone in the time between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection — even though they were physically with Jesus when he told them what he would do — they weren’t sure what to believe and what would happen next.

Yet, they were still greeted with hope and joy when they saw Christ who had risen from the grave.

Let us embrace both the solemn times of Lent and the joy of Easter this week – and give each its adequate time for observance. As it says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”


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